941. 266 4402
So what exactly is Argentine Tango, and why did it conquer the hearts and souls of so many people around the world?
Well, I believe it is the most elegant, sensual and expressive dance of all. It allows you to release your deepest feelings and emotions.
It is a dance that emanates from the depth of your soul…. Sounds almost like a great therapy – indeed it is and much more!
The music of Tango enters your body through your ears; penetrates into your soul; and then comes out through your feet as a move full of grace and

Private Lessons
You or you and your partner have your lesson one-on-one with me.
It’s a privilege for both of us. I give you my undivided attention, and you give me yours.
I give you a thorough description and the technique of the moves that we chose to learn; answer your questions and, most important, keep you in
good spirit!
Private lessons are taught from my home studio.
Group Lessons
Our group lessons are great fun!
You learn fast and easy, and see your progress in next to no time.
With each lesson, you build your dancing vocabulary and gain the confidence of a dancer through a friendly and kind interaction with me and other students.
Group lessons are held at Ballroom of Sarasota Dance Studio. every Wednesday 8:45-10:30pm, 5660 Swift Rd. Sarasota, FL 34231